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We have support groups, mentorship and career placement programs here to help. Sign up below to join THRIVE now and get started to becoming your best self, for you and your baby.
Text Hotline: 951.216.3183
Available for Young Mothers
Our comprehensive courses are designed to provide young mothers with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to not only achieve financial stability but also become empowered professionals ready to make a positive impact in the workforce.
Programs to Choose from:
Option 1: Online Support and Healing Group - Click to Join
Option 2: Immediate Career Connection for Candidates who already meet requirements
Option 3: Career Training to Career Placement in 6 weeks
Option 4: Financial Planning for Young Mothers - Mentor available to make sure you’re on track
Option 5: In Person Support & Healing Group - Click to RSVP
Other courses available:
Conflict Resolution
Time Management
Goal Setting
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
The Future of the US Workforce
Accounting Basics
Organization Skills
Professional Communication
Relationship Building
Networking Skills
Public Speaking
Social Media and Marketing
Career Development and Job Search Strategies
With these courses covering various aspects of personal and professional development, the program aims to provide young mothers with a comprehensive training experience that will help them secure fulfilling, well-paying careers and achieve financial independence within 24 months of being employed.